
2016, a year of success for The Tooth Corner

2016, a year of success for The Tooth Corner
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From Dr Hassan, thank you all for an incredible 2016

I wanted to thank all of our patients who put their trust in us to keep them healthy and comfortable.  Because of you, last year was the most success we’ve experienced at our location.  I understand going to the Dentist can be a challenging experience for some, but we pride ourselves in ensuring the highest quality of service with care, patience and professionalism to each individual.  It’s important to make sure each patient is comfortable when receiving treatment, and also understands proactive measures to help retain good oral health.  This is a model we chose to utilise, in the hopes that the dental industry can see the success it brings, and ensure it becomes a core part of their values.  This will help everyone have an enjoyable visit to their dentist, which will then create a more positive outlook from patients towards the entire industry.  Because of these values, we’ve had more patients, more frequent visits and more bright smiles in 2016.

Here’s a recap of other reasons why 2016 was successful for The Tooth Corner:

A New Addition

In 2016, we added a new location to the Tooth Corner family.  The dental office on Tomken Road was the newest addition to our growing brand and we saw much success towards that location with just the brand attached to it.  We are hoping to add more locations every year, so look out for us.


Updated technology

In 2016, The Tooth Corner took a huge step to adopt modern technology.  First, we introduced Bitcoin, which is continuing to grow as a very successful digital currency. (See the article below).  We also introduced real time chat support for our potential and current customers to seek out quick and helpful support on any of their needs.

Mississauga’s Only Bitcoin Dentist


Our Staff

The Tooth Corner staff work tirelessly to ensure the brand continues to grow and all customers continue to stay satisfied.  From the dentists, to the assistants, to the administrative staff and everyone at corporate office, I thank you for all you’ve done; working together to create a strong, sustainable and customer oriented brand isn’t easy, but we’ve proven its achievable.


Once again, thank you all for an incredible year. We are very excited about our upcoming plans and most of all, where the industry is going.  We hope to see you soon in 2017.  Smile, it’s going to be a great year!


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